Most of the time some strange personalities get attention on the internet because people love to study interesting and strange stories. A story without any complications does not seem to be interesting and never ever goes to trend. Nowadays, a strange personality is trending on social media. Many people are searching for him and want to know his history. Before writing this article I thoroughly studied the life of Brandon Garrick Pegram. After reading about the ups and downs of his life I was feeling very strange as I had never ever felt this kind of emotion deep inside me before.
In this article, I will explore the life of Brandon Garrick Pegram and will analyze him. After reading this article you will know that Brandon Pegram was a multi-talented person and this is why he got a lot of attention on social media. You will also feel uncomfortable while reading this content about his strange personality. Brandon Garrick Pegram also has written about his life and we will make sure to study all aspects of his life and journey.
Actor and Musician:
As I have earlier used a keyword for Brandon, he is multi-talented. He is a songwriter and can sing as well as he is a beast in acting. He has worked in different TV Series and is famous for his Serials like “Other Black Boys(2019)” and “Homesickening(2019)”. You can also visit IMDb to see his profile and to watch his TV serials. Here I am going to share the details of the series in which Brandon worked as an actor.
Other Black Boys (2019)
Series type | Short Drama |
Directors | Nyles Washington, Rama Tchuente |
Writers | Alexis Roberts, Rama Tchuente, Nyles Washignton |
Working Stars | Will Kachi, Brandon Pegram, Isaiah Rusk, Nyles Washington, Elias Weinberg |
Homesickening (2019)
Series Type | Short Story |
Director | Emma Rappold |
Writer | Emma Rappold, Jill Young |
Stars | Caroline Beagles, Will Kachi, Jill Young, Brandon Pegram |
Besides Brandon Garrick Pegram being a well-defined actor and musician he did not get much attention and recognition at that time. His life is full of sorrow and grief as he has faced many difficulties and hardships in life due to his criminal activities.
Criminal Activities of Brandon Garrick Pegram:
I call him a strange person because of his criminal activities. Look, a man who has a lot of potential in the acting and singing field, who can conquer the acting world cannot make his name on the largest platforms like social media but he has been jailed why? This is the question every one of us has in our minds, we will try to find out the reasons why he could not get much recognition and was jailed more than twice in his life.
Brandon Garrick Pegram has a long criminal history as he raped a woman in 2002 and was jailed for 10 years in prison but was released after 5 years of his jail on parole in 2007. The woman who was raped married him after his punishment was completed. After that, he was also convicted of sexually assaulting at least 4 times in one year and again jailed.
Anyone could be a sexual assaulter or abuser but most of the research proves that a person with authority most of the time is found of guilty sexually assaulting a child or a woman. They use their power to enforce their abusive desires and many of the cases we have to occur in the offices where a BOSS tries to manipulate or assault his workers. Most of the time these black sheep are very generous looking and talk very politely but someone has truly said that
“Actions Speak louder than words”
So always keep in mind that sometimes a very polite person could be a danger to you because we cannot look inside a person.
Experience of Brandon Garrick Pegram in Prison:
After spending most of his time in prison Brandon Garrick Pegram has learned a lot of lessons that he could not get from outside of the prison. In his blog writing and recent interviews Brandon shares that the correctional officers in the prison have very rude behavior with all the prisoners which creates a bad atmosphere in the prison.
A correctional officer in a prison is known as the officer who controls all the prisoner’s activities and they try to teach the prisoner how to deal with different situations in life to avoid violation of the laws of the country. But sometimes their bad behavior with prisoners makes them more dangerous to destroy society.
Nowadays, Brandon Pegram Garrick is working as a prison reform advocate to change all the rules and regulations of prison which are not good for society. He wants to make prison a rehabilitation place instead of a punishment place. He wants that whenever a person commits a crime after going to prison, the atmosphere of prison should teach him a lesson so that he avoids these kinds of crimes in the future.
Brandon Garrick Pegram has written in his story that the system of prisons should be reformed and we have to create a revolutionary system that will help criminals to leave crimes. Some people have said that Brandon Garrick just wants to take attention and there is no evidence behind his whole story. But many people also praised him for raising his voice against this manorialism culture in prisons.